One week before our first competition of this season! We have a lot of work to do before we’re completely ready, but we are all super excited. Here’s some things we did this week.

Both build teams on the A-Bot, and the B-Bot has gotten a lot of work done. The A-Bot added a human intake on to their robot, and now their robot is finally completed! They’re adding the climb now, which may have a few problems with getting in the way of the intake, but they’ll be able to figure that out. The B-Bot are editing their robot a little bit. They’re editing their superstructure to make sure it isn’t very wobbly, as well as adding a camera mount to their robot.
The B-Bot is starting to drive around, too! Take a lot at the B-Bot drive team working the robot.

This is a big week for the software team! A-Bot finished coding the ground intake to grab coral and is also testing the elevator. The B-Bot is testing its autonomous code with its robot. They’re having a few problems with it, but they’ll be able to kink out those bugs during the week.

The Design team’s work is slowing down a little bit. They’re making camera mounts for both of their robots so the camera will stay in one place. They’re also looking ahead to the state competition now and revising their robot so they are fully ready for the competition as well.

The Business team is making sure that the hotel rooms are completely ready for their trip to the state competition! They’ve also been updating their social media and sending out newsletters to all of our sponsors. They also hosted a small Jeopardy game about our engineering book! They want to make sure that our whole team learns about that book so they can more easily answer questions to judges about different parts of both teams’ robots! We also talked about CPR and taught everyone how to give someone CPR and how to put an AED on someone.

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