This week was a big week for team Lance-A-Bot! Here’s what we did:

The Business team was very honored to have the Lakeshore Lions Club at our school this week! Build sub-team captain Cole Miller and team captain Sam Velasco presented a slideshow about Team Lance-A-Bot to them.
Not only did we do that, but we also continued working on our pamphlets for our judges and started writing the essay for the Woodie Flower Award!

The software team was doing lots of coding this week. They wrote commands for the intake, updated the system for the robot location input, and completed coding the shuffleboard!

The build team started building the robot this week! They got the chassis on the swerve drive attached, and they worked on the side panel of the robot. They also started having build-a-thons, so many of them are going to be working extra hours on Fridays!

The design team has finished designing the robot, but they aren’t done yet! They almost finished the electrical panel and our robot climber design. Next week they’ll start their pneumatic design.

Team Lance-A-Bot needs to have some fun too! Although, make sure to not have too much fun, like our friend Riley did…
We had a dance party after a meeting and danced to Party in the USA and Call Me Maybe! Some of our members have some serious moves.

Categories: Week 4